President Ces Butner called our 5,325th “Civic Thursday” meeting in order and welcomed all of our Zoom guests.
In reflecting on President Joe Biden’s recent environmental administrative actions, Stephen Murphy shared quotes from Van Jones, author of “Green Economy,” about how building such an economy will lift all boats in a green wave benefiting us all, and the polar bears too.
President Ces invited us all to recite our vision where Service Above Self connects us all.
Marie Saverimuthu introduced our speaker of the day, Selvi Stanislaus, Executive Director of the California State Franchise Tax Board (FTB). Selvi is the first woman appointed to oversee the FTB and its 6,000+ employees charged with collecting $66 billion annually to fund state projects, programs, and state infrastructure.
Selvi spoke of the progress made in upgrading a multi-phase IT system to re-engineer how our state tax returns are processed in order to maximize collections and efficiencies (an interesting factoid considering all the media reports of the state’s challenges in sending money the other way, to unemployment claimants, blamed on antiquated IT systems at the EDD).
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